How the Teenage Brain Learns

Important Note: Dr. Jensen partners with many associations, groups, and media organizations to discuss her work. While the following links will cover her videos, podcasts, interviews, and other articles, Dr. Jensen is not responsible for page or video content unrelated to her work.


72618_politics_and_prose.jpgPolitics and Prose

Dr. Frances Jensen, "The Teenage Brain"
Politics and Prose, January 21, 2015 


Q & A with Dr. Frances Jensen
C-Span, January 23, 2015


Dr. Frances Jensen, "The Teenage Brain, Part I: What Makes the Teen Brain Unique?”
Boston Children's Hospital, September 11, 2008


"Learning Machines: The Wired Teenage Brain" 
To the Best of Our Knowledge, Shannon Henry Kleiber


"The Teen Brain"
Debra Bradley Ruder, Harvard Magazine,  September-October, 2008

"The Developing Teenage Brain: Q & A with Frances Jensen"
School Administrator, Liz Griffin, September, 2017

"Here's All The Scary (Yet Awesome) Changes Happening In Teenagers' Brains
MTV News, Marty Beckerman,  January 8, 2015  

"Secrets of the Teenage Brain"
The Guardian, The Observer, Family section, Katie Forster, January 25, 2015

"The Teenage Brain: Scaffolding the Brain for Lifelong Learning"    
Getting Smart,  Frances Jensen, May 3, 2015

"The Teenage Brain You’re Sending to College" 
The Philadelphia Inquirer, Frances Jensen, April 29, 2015

Plastic Fantastic”           
Pennsylvania Gazette, Joann Greceo, August 27, 2015

"The Teenage Brain: What Parents Need to Know"          
Grown & Flown, interview with Frances Jensen, date unknown